Reiki and Energy Healing Blog

Strengthening Your Intuition

By August 23, 2023September 13th, 2023No Comments

Strengthening Your Intuition

Strengthening your intuition can easily be achieved. Every single one of us has access to our Intuition.  Some of us are more aware of it than others.  Wherever you are at, on your journey of being guided, is exactly where you are meant to be.  Just today I realized that what I thought was a passing thought was really my intuition.  This allowed me to see the deeper layers of connection and reminded me how this all works.  We are growing and expanding everyday and everything is always happening for us.

Intuition is the personal guidance that is here as a MAJOR tool to take you to the next beautiful devine step in your life. It is something you are born with and always have had access to. We are simply learning just how massive this is!! Intuition, that inner voice,  is your inner compass moving you towards your desires and soul purpose.

In times of confusion, feeling off, or feeling lost, it is our intuition that can bring us back to center.

One of the many things I love about energy work, and bringing forth channeled messages, is that it often brings us validation of what we’ve already known intuitively ourselves.  Thus reminding us that we truly do have the answers within us.  We just have to let go of the doubt and step into the trust in ourselves and the universe.

Affirm… “My intuition is growing stronger, every day, in every way.”

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Strengthening your intuition a class you will want to attend! Interested in a zoom call? Schedule here.