I am a Reiki and Spiritual Energy Healer in Detroit and surrounding areas. Some of the techniques I use in my practice include:

Intuitive Healing Reiki Session

All  sessions are referred to as Intuitive Healing Reiki sessions. They may be done in person, over Zoom, or over the phone. During these sessions, Katie is a  conduit for Reiki energy and runs healing energy through the body, creating balance within the chakras and promoting healing on several levels – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. As she is running energy she will also read and identify stagnant energy and assist in allowing that energy to flow.  While this is happening Katie is tuning in and channeling Universal God Force Energy.

Katie often intuitively receives information and guidance on limiting beliefs, relationships, career and guidance on how to move forward; anything that is relevant in your life and holding you back from feeling anything less than amazing!   Katie may be guided to specific healings during your session such as an Inner Child Healing, Ancestral Healing, Forgiveness Healing, and or healing visual meditations. Information on using your intuition, moving in a new direction, and letting go of fear are areas that often come up as well. Katie helps to bring in a new perspective to keep you in your power, to help you create what it is you want for your life, and channels in tools to keep you grounded in your heart as you move forward in life with peace and ease.

*Recording sessions on your phone is encouraged.

Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing Energy is an ancient Japanese healing modality that works with the anatomy of your energy system in order to promote healing on all levels. Reiki can help support and bring ease to:

  • Headaches
  • Sore Body
  • Illness/Disease
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fear

Pleiadian Cosmic Healing Discs

This beautiful and progressive technology will assist you into reaching higher states of consciousness and are quick to activate the light body.  Each disc helps to connect you with your higher self and accelerate your spiritual growth. Although each disc has its own special healing purpose to work on a specific area of attention, they all have the ability to do the following:

Clear Negative Thought Patterns
Deepens Meditative states
Assists in manifesting new realities
Opens Angelic doorways into higher dimensions
Increases your own electromagnetic field
Activates cellular memories stored in the DNA
Strengthens connections to your Higher Self

Ethereal Crystal Healing

What is Ethereal Crystal Healing?  First let’s look at the definition of Ethereal.  Ethereal is “lacking material substance or beyond the Earth”. Therefore, an Ethereal crystal is a crystal lacking substance.  A crystal you can not hold in your hands and see with your own 2 eyes.  An Ethereal crystal is pure “spiritual energy”.

Ethereal Crystals is an energetic tool used to  help us emotionally, spiritually, and physically. They help to relieve stress, depression, infection, inflammation, muscle pain, insomnia, and much more.  They are sometimes used alone, but are also used in conjunction with other methods of healing.  This is a tool that I am often guided to  incorporate into my energy work sessions.

Ascension Healing

Ascension Healing is a form of consciousness healing. With the assistance of spirit, Katie will help to shift the consciousness by changing beliefs and patterns which are limiting or no longer serving.

This is done by working with the inner child. The majority of our  core beliefs are formed by age 7. Encompassed in the Inner Child Healing is Womb Healing, Ancestral healing, Trauma healing, Integration healing, and or Forgiveness Healing. Some deeper levels of healings may be needed such as past life or parallel life healing, and or grief healing work.

Within this work you learn to become more interdependent, helping to heal codependency. You continue to create a loving relationship with yourself based on self-acceptance and self-love. You learn proper boundaries which helps to step you into your power! This is especially important for empaths!

Inner Child Healing

This is a session in which Katie will  place you in a meditative state in order to help you communicate with your inner child. Connecting with God energy, she will work through issues in order to release life patterns caused by traumas and circumstances. After the issue is worked through, Katie will then help you integrate the newly healed aspect of yourself into the present.  You will also learn how to nurture your inner child and learn exercises to support that aspect of yourself.  This promotes healing and establishes a relationship with yourself on a very intimate level.

In an Inner Child Healing session Katie guides you into a meditative state to communicate with younger aspects of yourself to find out when an unhealthy pattern started and why or when a certain limiting belief began. Most of our beliefs are formed by age 7.  We learn some of our beliefs socially or we adopt them from our parents or others who have had an influence on us. At such a young age we are often not mature enough to understand things outside of ourselves. For example if parents are having relationship issues, stressed, or unhappy for some reason, the child might feel that energy and take it on themselves, leaving them thinking they are responsible.  They are unable to separate themselves from the situation. They might  think they did something to cause it and blame themselves in some way.

Katie will then channel to disprove this misinterpreted belief, so that they can now see things from a different perspective and start to heal.  Katie can channel an enlightened perspective to help bring in understanding and love. This is one way in which Katie can use her intuitive skills to help you let go of a limiting belief.  She can identify the patterns or beliefs people hold onto in their subconscious and see into the past and present of why people are behaving the way they do or did. This can help the client have peace and understanding and sometimes even forgiveness of others and self.

Forgiveness Healing

Forgiveness is an important part of the healing process.  When there is anger and hurt with someone, there is anger and hurt within ourselves.  Forgiveness of self and others, is an important part of stepping out of Victim behavior and taking your power back.  While the client is in a meditative state, we call in the situation or person that needs forgiving and work through that process. Through releasing that pain it allows the client to move forward and to experience why the situation occurred in the first place and what has been gained.

Generational Healing

We learn much of our subconscious beliefs from our parents by age 7.  Some of these learned beliefs aren’t always for our highest good.  Ex. I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy,  It’s not safe to be me. These were not necessarily taught to us on purpose but typically learned from our parent’s parents or society over the ages..  Each generation has only the set of tools that they were taught to pass down. Many of those beliefs were created in fear, oppression, and lack.   Generational Healing involves releasing subconscious beliefs, blocks, emotional and mental pain, that have been passed down from generation to generation.  In doing so, not only do we lift and change the energy around the belief, but we help to heal the souls of those ancestors.

Integration Healing

During an integration, Katie will dialogue with that part of the person which is stuck in that traumatic space and time.  Eventually, we invite that part of them into the present where they feel safe, helping to lighten the belief that is being worked on.

Spiritual Coaching

This type of life coaching is based on using intuition to advise and provide guidance in any and all areas or situations in one’s life. Katie includes this in healings. Katie will coach clients through triggers, events, situations, and issues. Coaching and advice is also advised in lifestyle, diet, relationships, and career.

The following are great reasons to receive spiritual coaching:

  • Help with boundaries with people
  • Rest and play
  • Dietary and Exercise Changes
  • Relationships
  • Creating balance in your life work
  • Nutrition and Health Guidance
  • Insights on events
  • Spiritual Guidance

Reiki Detroit Michigan reiki healers

If you are searching for a true healing professional in the Detroit or surrounding areas please reach out to me via phone, text or email.

* Intentions are set before each session for it to be for your highest good in love and light.  She will address the issues that present themselves during your time together.  Intuitive healings can be a quicker way to bring awareness to yourself and help you move forward in your life.  Tools and suggestions are also given so that you can practice specific techniques for you, after your session, to help keep you in an empowered space.

Reiki and Spiritual Healing in person and via Zoom in the following areas:

South Lyon
New Hudson
Commerce Twnp.
Farmington Hills
Orchard Lake
Bloomfield Hills
Birmingham Hills
Royal Oak