Healing Starts From Within
Katie Sass
Intuitive Healing
Reiki Healing
Ascension Healing
Inner Child Healing
Intuitive Channeled Life Guidance
Integration Healing
Forgiveness Healing
Generational Healing
Spiritual Life Coaching
Cosmic Healing Discs
“Healing is about that deeper connection within yourself. It is about recognizing your thoughts and learning to let go of the fear, the judgment, the lack and the limitation. Through Universal/God energy, I channel messages that help guide you through the letting go process and step into the knowing that you are a powerful creator and have the ability to shift your thoughts. Changing your perspective helps to bring in more love, health, happiness, abundance, and joy!! And of course we must remember to call in the magic and the fun!!!!” –Katie Sass
Located in Farmington, MI Katie’s reiki and other specialized healing sessions are available in person or long distance via Zoom.
Session Pricing
All sessions include: Reiki, Chakra clearing, balancing energy, and messages specifically for you, from the Universe, delivered with love.
Intuitive Healing Reiki Session (in person)- All sessions begin by connecting to Universal/God energy. Intentions are set for the session to be for one’s highest good, in love and light. Sessions might include: Inner Child Healings; Safe to Be In my Body Healings; Ancestral Healing; DNA Activations; Past/Parallel Life Understanding
Intuitive Healing Reiki Session ( Long Distance)- This session is the same as being in person but can be done from the comfort of your own home.
Pleiadean Cosmic Healing Disc Session- This beautiful and progressive technology assists you into reaching higher states of consciousness and are quick to activate the light body. Each disc helps to connect you with your higher self and accelerate your spiritual growth.