NOTE: If Booking After November 13th, I will be at my new location at CenterPeace in Farmington.

Reiki and Energy Healing Blog


By July 16, 2024July 24th, 2024No Comments

Feeling stuck in the mud… Stop judging the mud.  When we are feeling discomfort within ourselves, that feeling is trying to get our attention to teach us something about ourselves.  In these energies, we are being guided to go deeper and tune into ourselves about what is the deeper message for ourselves. Having the awareness of this, helps us to remain in our power.

Nothing is worth giving our power away.

In these experiences of feeling anything less than joy, allow yourself the time to feel into what is coming up for you.  Remind yourself that we are shifting into new times of learning the truth about who we are (multidimensional powerful creators). You are worthy of creating what it is that you want for yourself.  Recognize any limiting beliefs that might be coming up for you such as doubt, not feeling safe, fearing the unknown, not feeling worthy or good enough.  Then simply send those mistruths to the light.

If you are still feeling that dense energy. Take extra special care of yourself while you are practicing allowing your energy to shift.  Let go of judgment.  Practice breathing out what you want to release.  Breathe in the love and support of the universe. This is just a moment that will eventually shift.  Practice accepting where you are at instead of feeling like you have to force something to happen. Allow the support of the Universe to support you.  Place your hand on your heart and practice feeling love for yourself and for your experience.

Next, when you find yourself in that higher vibrational loving energy, create what it is you want for your life.  With your imagination, VISUALIZE the experiences happening so easily that you are in amazement that what you created is really happening.

PRACTICE FEELING how you want to feel.  Feel the hugs and the love from those around you, lifting you up. Visualize and feel yourself  start to laugh in the gratitude of how incredible your life is.  Feel it as if it is here for you now, so that you are drawing that reality to you.

YOU ARE A POWERFUL CREATOR. Visualize and feel that truth!

Oftentime in sessions, I channel from spirit, helpful tools for my clients to apply to their everyday lives outside of my sessions. Tools like the one listed above, help us to come back to ourselves, back into our hearts, and back into our power.

PRACTICE/Play with this tool this week and take note of how your energy and mood shift.  Be in amazement of how magical you are!